Let's monkey around!
Founded by two teachers, grOH! is on a mission to bring play back home. To facilitate play in the best way, Anne and Jodie at groH! focus on encouraging large motor skills. Swings, ladders, rope hammocks, and rock climbing holds all appear in their playroom designs.
grOH! came to Shelfology to bring a monkey bar to their product selection. Naturally, Shelfology was stoked to oblige, and the Randle Monkey Bar + Wall Ladder was born!

Playing our way into partnership
"We have been using Shelfology products in our designs since 2020; we were originally drawn to them for their color selection and the Fat Lippie shelf, which we love using for forward-facing book displays in our playrooms.
We started sharing our love of Shelfology products on Instagram, and quickly decided we should get to know the humans behind each other’s brands! Product development ideas came soon after when we shared our dreams of making play easier for even more families, and we launched our partnership from there! The partnership with Shelfology has been paramount! We both strive to bring quality products and fun experiences to our customers. We’re so grateful to have an ally in Shelfology; we feel heard, respected, and valued!"
A Playroom Transformation with gROH!