Yeah I know, I said "Pantloads."
We learned early on, like Transformers™, there’s more than meets the eye with floating shelves--or floating anything really.
Perfect hidden support takes more engineering than you would think (boatloads), a decent amount of handy know-how (earfuls), the right parts and pieces (boxloads), and although it’s not required, we definitely recommend Hall and Oates to help you through the more tedious parts of any floating shelf or floating mantel project (albumfuls).
We know you are familiar with our insanely strong floating shelf brackets, floating mantel brackets, floating desk brackets, and made-to-order custom shelving--that’s been covered--BUT, did you know about our equally insane expertise or our funny install guides? How about our Youtube installation videos, or our instantly available customer service?
Well guess what. We have pantloads of all that ready and waiting for you when you need it. There is more to shelving than just hanging it on a wall and we have done the hard, nerdy work of figuring it all out and sharing it--which is what we are all about.
So, call or email us, Read our install guides (collect them all, btw! The posters on the flip side are our personal favorites), send a chat, check out our Youtube how-to videos , read our blogs. All of your shelf related questions will be answered and likely, your wildest dreams will come true.
Rock on.
Kevin Anderson,
Head Shelf Nerd at Shelfology