Having a garage filled with useful items can be a blessing and a curse. It’s easy to let boxes stack up and lose track of where everything went. If you’re sorting and searching this year, don’t let the chaos get you down! The Shelfology Studly kits are ready to help you organize and stylishly layout tools, trims, and all the supplies you need at your fingertips. With the Studly kits—snap! Just like that, you’ll have a new look and a new lease on your garage’s usefulness!

Use Studly to elevate your garage organization, creating the perfect setup for vertical wall design that fits perfectly to your space, with powder-coated color and style sure to make the Joneses jelly.

Garage Gainz - Shelfology Studly Kits Will Flex Your Organization Muscles: Pinterest

3 Reasons to Get Studly


Utilize the Shelfology Studly workbench brackets to install heavy-duty shelves in your garage. These brackets are designed to support substantial weight, making them perfect for holding bulky items such as tools, boxes, and seasonal equipment.

Studly workbench gets the job done when heavy loads are about.

Go Vertical

Take advantage of vertical space by installing multiple shelves with Shelfology Studly brackets. This allows you to maximize your capacity without sacrificing floor space. Organize items based on frequency of use and accessibility, keeping frequently used items within easy reach and less-used items higher up. Install sturdy shelves near the ceiling using the brackets to store items that are not frequently accessed, such as seasonal decorations, camping gear, or rarely used tools. Cords and hanging items have space on Studly’s hooks and the support girders. Studly’s function is only limited by your imagination!

Studly Hooks make hanging hoses easy.
Vertical wall space is easy to capture with the Studly workbench.

Customized Configurations

With a variety of depths, dimensions and accouterments, the Shelfology Studly brackets offer flexibility in terms of shelf configuration. You can adjust the height and spacing of the shelves to accommodate different-sized items. Create customized solutions for specific categories such as automotive supplies, gardening tools, sports equipment, and household maintenance items. Hooks, 2x6 and 2x4 slots, and structural girding all mix and match for the perfect design.

An Easy Upgrade

Jamie and Morgan Molitor from construction2style had a common problem: where to put a group of regularly used items in the garage. Motocross bikes need good pants, jackets, and helmets, but are obviously meant to get dirty and aren’t stored in the house. Instead of leaving all the kit resting on boxes and in piles, they decided to create a station using the Studly Workbench.

coat hangers with clothes hanging
Photo Credit: construction2style. Webbing under the brackets provides the perfect place for hangers.

They installed it directly into the wall of their steel frame outbuilding. Using sheet metal screws, Jamie used the first Studly to level off the second for a benchtop to rest on the top. “I like the black powder coat finish to tie into our black cabinetry in the shop, I know it will hold up and not chip off like regular paint would with high use. I also think the design of the brackets is cool in itself. Before installing our brackets, our boys would leave their motocross gear scattered on the floor. Now they have a nice designated area to store everything, and bonus: with the webbing in the brackets, we are able to hang the boy's gear on clothes hangers. The brackets worked perfectly for what we needed and gave a finished look rather than some cheap shelf bracketing.”

Photo Credit: construction2style Clean and neat.
This motocross station puts all the kit within easy reach.

Jamie’s Pro Tip: Make sure you locate studs so you get the max strength out of the brackets. Install one at the height you want then level off that one to your next to get a perfect install for your countertop or benchtop.

Shed That Chaos

Matriarchy Build contractor Charley Pugh secured Studlys for an outdoor shed. Installing into a frame of exposed 2x3 studs, the 14” Studly Utility Bracket was the perfect option for this confined space. We see a lot of sheds, but can they actually store anything other than on the floor? Planning and building a 2x3 frame inside this small backyard shed allows for a multiplication of space as the walls instantly become usable. Charley reports, “[as to the Studly Utility Bracket install] The number and spread of fasteners really adds a ton of strength and disperses the weight nicely over several inches of the stud. The powder-coat finish looks super nice, and the final result looks amazing.”

Whether it’s a potting shed, She-shed, or just plain “put those tools away” shed, Studlys are flexible and stylish enough to get your garden kitted upright.

Charley’s Pro Tip: The included powder-coated screws are a really nice touch. The only problem is that if you have any bit of slippage, the finish gets messed up. Always drill pilot holes to avoid stripping the finish from the screws. Also, tie a string or snap a chalk line across the front of the studs to level all the brackets.

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Photo Credit: Matriarchy Build. Small shed? Maximize its potential as easy as 1-2-3.
shed the chaos
Matriarchy Build. A simple wood support skeleton creates a frame for the Studly Utility Bracket to do its thing

Up, Up, and Away

Justin Bitner is known on YouTube for making projects in his New Jersey garage. He recently completed a project using Studly brackets to multiply his garage organization. Above his clever homemade tool organization, Justin planned to add Studly brackets over the garage door to secure boxes of scraps that are rarely used but need a home. The clever use of layers combined with the design of Studly brackets gave him the overhead space to take less used items like paint cans and store wood scraps up and out of the way.

“I used the provided blue Philips for the side stud mounted brackets [and on] the larger brackets I used 3.5” #9 GRK structural lag screws for max holding power. On the side-mounted Studlys, install is super easy and sturdy. The look of the design is excellent and it’s always great to be able to pick your own colors, the blue I have really pops. On the larger bracket, it’s a shelf into itself with such a large support area; it’s going to really prevent sag.

I was able to utilize a huge area of space above my garage doors that was previously untouched, moving all of my small wood off the floor (prime real estate for working) to a new sporting area. I freed up a HUGE area for better uses because of it. Love the product!”

Studly Kit #1
Studly Kit #2
Studly Kit #3

With the help of the Studly Refresh kit, you too can create a garage that is a pleasure to come home to. Imagine tools, tucked snugly in their beds, Christmas decorations put out of the way until the festive season rolls around again, and a clean workbench to lay out the latest project to dry. With Studly, you can do all this and more in technicolor, powder coated quality. Making your garage useful, practical and gosh darn good-lookin’ in one fell swoop.

Rad on!

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